As you will have seen, for the year 2017-2018, our charity of the year was Mitchell Miracles. As a final hurrah, our Facilities and Quality Manager, Glen Thompson, decided to mark his leaving in August by having his head shaved for the charity.
Through “braving the shave” and putting himself through this fashion statement, we raised a fantastic donation of £750. Glen, along with Julie, the firm’s HR Manager, were able to present this to Mitchell Miracles, who gratefully received it.
Ladies and Gentlemen of Sternberg Reed… Glen has set a huge challenge for you all to follow, and I trust that we will all, in some way, step up to this challenge for this years charity of the year! WATCH THIS SPACE….!
We offer free pre-booked Zoom appointments on a Saturday. We will do our best to help you whatever your legal issue - large or small. Call us now to arrange your appointment.
More information* Soulla Kokkinos, Andrew Crossley, Francecsa Clay.